Our second attempt at a launch event for my latest novel, BOMBINGHAM A Day of Reckoning was a success! Thanks to everyone who came by. After a myriad of technical difficulty with the Facebook Live Pre-Launch event, we needed something to go right, and it did. The photo above is my lovely daughter and grandson who dropped in for moral support.
I am heading south tomorrow for a signing event in the lovely hamlet of Fairhope, Alabama near the gulf coast. With the hurricane just clearing, the timing of that event seemed in jeopardy too, but all is well, and I hope to see readers from that area or those who may be enjoying a vacation. We will be at the Page and Palette Book Store in downtown Fairhope. Please drop by from 1-3 PM and say hi.
I am continuing to work on three different projects for upcoming books. I am well into the first one with about half the chapters done. The other two are research projects that have been on hold since I couldn’t get into the library, but it seems I will be able to do that soon and I am so looking forward to that. In my next blog, I will give some hints about each of the three projects but for now I can tell you that the book that is underway is similar to my first two books but has an entirely new cast of characters.
The other two projects are totally different. All I will say for now about one is it involves an unexpected twist that will provide a look at Birmingham in the early 1900’s. This was the era when the city earned the moniker of the Magic City because everything was happening so fast. Skyscrapers were rising throughout the city and trade and nightlife was bustling.
The final project is one that has been rattling around in my head for years and involves the story of my wife’s grandparents, Billy and Mary. The happy couple was just getting settled into parenting life with their new son (my father-in-law) when something went awry separating the new family. I did a lot of research during the pandemic lockdown by going through their love letters during this period and other family papers. The family story didn’t exactly line up with some of the facts and so that initial research presented as many new questions as it did answers. As such, many trips to the library may be in order. I hope to solve the discrepancies and tell their beautiful and tragic love story, but if I cannot solve all the unanswered questions, it will certainly set up a great basis for a fictional account of what might have been. So, the story will come. Will it be fiction or non-fiction? Only time will tell!
Until next time,